January 27, 2025. A note from Dr. Triche: Since TIA’s services are limited exclusively to legal briefing and appeals, I have compiled the following list as a public service. The link below is a list of attorneys and/or organizations currently accepting inquiries from noncitizens who seek release from immigration detention in the geographical areas covered by the Fifth and Sixth Circuit courts of appeals.
Jan 30, 2025 (Another) note from Dr. Triche: As I’m still being approached with information and/or requests to be added to this list, I’ve decided to update it today. Time permitting, I’ll continue to do that, periodically.
Please note that I am not in a position to vouch for the abilities of anyone included; this list is what it says it is, and nothing more or less: people who have indicated to me, as of January 27, 2025, that they are willing to take on cases involving legal pursuit of release from immigration detention. Please refer to the disclaimer at the end of the list for further explanation.
LINK TO PDF LIST: Detention Atty LIST Jan 30 2025